Image depicting the program
Smoking Cessation
Program Details (Back to Programs)

Lakeview Family Health Team is a participating health care provider with the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Program through the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

The STOP Program is a province-wide initiative delivering smoking cessation treatment and counselling support to people who want to reduce/quit their tobaccoco use. These supports are available free of charge.

If you are ready to quit and would like help/support, you may book an appointment and speak with one of our smoking cessation counsellors. Up to 26 weeks of free nicotine replacement may be available to you if you qualify.

Brighton 613 475 1555 x1
Trenton 613 394 0770 x7

For online registration click here: Smoking Cessation Registration

Coming soon, you will be able to self-register on line and then visit us at the clinic of your choice for support and NRT product.

Other options

STOP on the Net is an online program to help you quit smoking cigarettes. Join today from the comfort of your home and receive free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patches and gum/lozenges mailed to your address.

STOP sur le Net est offert en Anglais et en Français.

This program offers 8 weeks of NRT mailed to your house. https://www.nicotinedependenceclinic.com/en/stop/stop-on-the-net

Please note: Individuals that enroll in the STOP on the Net Program will not be eligible to join the STOP Program through a participating healthcare provider at their clinic for 12 months following their SOTN enrollment date.

Smoking Cessation Initial Visit