The Brighton-Quinte West Family Health Organization brings together a dedicated group of family physicians committed to providing their patients with enhanced access to high-quality primary care services.

Family physicians play a crucial role in a patient’s health care journey. They are the first point of contact for primary care, offering comprehensive services that include making referrals to specialists and coordinating with hospital care when needed.

Ontario’s family physicians are the cornerstone of our health care system. They are here to guide patients through the complexities of health care, ensuring patients receive the right care at the right time.

Physicians at the Brighton Clinic

Dr. Michelle Cohen

Phone: 613-475-1555

Fax: 343-270-0708

Dr. Erin Gow

Phone: 613-475-1555

Fax: 343-270-0707

Dr. Svetlana Struyts

Phone: 613-475-1555

Fax: 613-480-6584

Physician at the Colborne Clinic

Dr. Iris Noland

Phone: 905-355-5355

Fax: 905-355-5929

Physicians at the Quinte West Clinic

Dr. David DeGrace

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-887-8417

Dr. Nick Martin

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-480-6588

Dr. Ashley Minuk

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-480-6586

Dr. Steven Drew Moore

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-480-6587

Dr. Fraser Pollard

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-480-6586

Dr. Ian Spreadbury

Phone: 613-394-0770

Fax: 613-902-8147

Notice of Closure

Our after-hours clinic in Brighton for Thursday February 13th, 2025 is cancelled. Also, our office will be closed for the day on Thursday February 13th, 2025 in Quinte West and Brighton.